Insurance information
We collaborate with various insurance companies. If you have private medical insurance, please reach out to discuss your specific needs.
Before Your Appointment:
Payment for treatment is due at the end of each session, unless we can bill your insurance company directly.
Clients with other health insurance policies are requested to reclaim their fees directly from their insurer. Kindly bring along any referral letters, scans, or reports you may have.
If you intend to claim treatment costs on your health insurance, please contact your insurance company directly. They will provide you with a claim form.
Understanding Your Policy:
Each insurance policy differs, so we advise ensuring in advance that your treatment is covered. It's crucial to verify whether you require a referral from a doctor or consultant before receiving treatment.
Client Responsibility:
Please note that your policy is your responsibility, and DR Physiotherapy cannot be held accountable for any incurred costs.
Any appointments made before informing DR Physiotherapy of your intention to use your insurance company or obtaining your insurance company's approval/full details will be charged at the full rate.
These charges will not be refundable, either in full or in part, once approval is granted.
Prior to Your Initial Appointment, Please Provide:
Your up-to-date membership number and injury pre-authorisation number from your insurance company. Your policy limitations (e.g., excess amount, approved amount of money, or number of sessions).
Possible Reasons for Payment Rejection by Insurance:
From time to time, Aviva, AXA PPP, and Vitality Health may reject a payment due to policy limitations. In such cases, you may need to pay DR Physiotherapy directly.
You may also need to contact your insurance company yourself due to data protection policies. Examples of why your insurance company may not pay an invoice sent on your behalf include: Excess payments required by your insurance company, which may need to be paid directly to DR Physiotherapy. Exceeding your policy's maximum benefit, requiring you to pay any outstanding amount.
Limitations on the number of treatment sessions allowed. Restrictions on having two appointments on the same day. Failure to provide relevant authorisation or employer authorisation, which may delay benefits until resolved. In such cases, you will be responsible for paying all treatment costs until the matter is resolved.
Client Liability:
If any of the above situations occur, as the client who received treatment, you will be expected to cover any outstanding amounts.